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Family Fetish

Dear gawd. Via Media Matters I see that Dick Morris’s wife is making a pathetic living hanging on to Lil’ Dickie’s coattails:

McGANN: People have heart surgery all the time. They don’t have to go into hiding. He has been in hiding for the last six weeks.

And I think that it’s part of their plan to build up and hype him — at the end of the election, and for the opening of his [presidential] library. So, we have once again for — I don’t know what time, the 10th, 15th, 20th time — the new Bill Clinton. And I think it’s also what Dick [Morris] likes to call his ADD [attention deficit disorder] problem. That when he doesn’t get attention he’s disordered. And on the one hand, he I don’t think really wants to help the Kerry campaign because if Kerry wins, Hillary has less of a shot, if any, at ever running for president and becoming president. […] You know, there was no reason for him to be holed up. My uncle had the same operation two weeks before he did. And he [McGann’s uncle] called me yesterday as he and his wife were driving to Florida. And he’s 71 years old. People recover from this surgery and they can do other things. You don’t have to just sit in a chair. They have created this. This is — you know — just like the sensation he created when he walked into the [Democratic National] Convention, with the camera showing him in 2000. They have to do something — he has to do something dramatic or he’s not happy.

Jayzuz. A man spends six weeks recovering from quadruple bypass surgery and he’s “in hiding.” (There seems to be a lot of speculation about all this on the wingnutladies lunch bunch circuit because I heard Mrs. Alan Greenspan say that there was word that Clinton’s recovery wasn’t going well.)

The next time some GOP harpy brings up the fact that Hillary is a big lesbian or a self hating feminist because she didn’t drop Bill like a hot potato after he got a few furtive blow jobs, ask them how Eileen McCann can respect herself after having her dachshound-like husband splashed all over The Star as a connoisseur of prostitute toe-sucking.

From Howie Kurtz in 1998:

“He is deeply angry and resentful of the Clintons,” says one Clinton supporter who knows Morris well. “He feels they basically walked away from him at a time he was in need and in trouble.” Yet friends say Morris retains a psychological attachment to Clinton – a need to be needed by him – while reserving his strongest fury for Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Two and a half years ago, Morris was a national punch line. While serving as chief strategist for Clinton’s 1996 campaign, Morris was fired after the Star tabloid revealed his longtime relationship with prostitute Sherry Rowlands. His marriage to attorney Eileen McGann broke up, and his $2.5 million book on policy-making in the White House was a commercial flop.

But the suddenly famous Morris refused to go into hiding. Determined to launch a punditry career, he explored different venues – trying out for a New York radio show, for example – before landing high-profile gigs with Rupert Murdoch’s Fox TV network and Post newspaper. Now Morris is back with his wife – the most important thing in his life, he says – and gaining new prominence as an expert on Clinton and sex.

Eileen apparently took the (pedi) cure and voted with her feet.

They sure have some kinky family values on FAUX News — you’d think the falafels and foot fetishes alone would make it distinctly spicy for the Gary Bauer set. Has anybody asked the fundies about this…uh…inconsistency?

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