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Setting Up The Fall

James Wolcott documents some more FAUX news atrocities. “Liberal bias” definitely made it into Moody’s memo this morning since virtually every anchor has opined on it today. This is definitely a preview of the new and improved wingnut whine and pout. It’s almost sweetly nostalgic, like a gauzy trip back ten or twelve years in time. I remember it well…

As Wolcott says:

I’m not saying Fox News is anticipating a Bush loss, only that they seem to be laying the ground work for the blame game should he cough it up on November 2nd. They are taking the first baby steps to denying the legitimacy of a Kerry win, preparing the first batch of sour grapes.

It’s all of a piece with the preemptive screeching about voter fraud and Democratic dirty tricks. They are cataloging reasons to explain why the asterisk couldn’t pull it off. They will whine and fret and stomp their tiny little feet in a frenzy, earnestly claiming that Kerry didn’t legitimately win. And they will do it without even the slightest trace of irony.

Try to imagine how little I care.

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