Wedge Issue
James Wolcott learns that whenever a liberal bi-coastal elite makes fun of Lil’ Andy he is branded a homophobe by the Alan Simpson Man Boy Association.
A racist-t-shirt wearing professor of Creationism at Wayback University who goes by the handle of Instapundit claims that if a Republican had written what I did about Andrew Sullivan’s phantom creeper on Real Life on Bill Maher, it would have been considered “homophobic.”
I found this out myself when I once pointed out on the late lamented mediawhores online that the swaggering George W. Bush gave Lil’ Andy and Leslie Stahl a fit of the maidenly vapors. Andy himself called me a “leftist homophobe.” (It was the first I’d heard any rumors about Stahl but I guess Andy would know.)
Anyway, it was one of my proudest online moments. I still think of it fondly. Back then, Howard Fineman and Lil’ Andy and Jay Nordlinger could rhapsodize for days about Junior’s macho swagger, his fabulous chin, his equally perfect comfort in ermine or epaulets. It was a lot like like listening to people talk on the bus when I lived in San Francisco in the late 70’s. It made me feel young again…
What’s interesting is that Instapundit seems to have joined the chorus about leftist homophobes. With all this PC sensitivity towards gays in the wingnut set these days, you’d think it was the liberals who just won an election with the help of a bunch of mouthbreathers who seem to think that if gay people are allowed to marry then Real American heterosexuals will be required to perform fellatio. (This is, needless to say, what the Concerned Women For America are most concerned about.)