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Oh Holy Night, Batman

I’m going into the heart of the beast and visiting my fiesty, 82 year old, extremely conservative father for Christmas. He’s been ill, so we haven’t gotten into the election results until now. He’s feeling better. Woah, Nellie.

Since the family consists of Jews, Christians, atheists and sundry wierdos, our holidays are pretty much all about food. But, without knowing it, we’ve been celebrating Festivus for years — particularly the sacred “airing of grievances.” Wish me luck.

I’ll be back after Christmas and we’ll party like it’s 1899. In the meantime, go over to The American Street and vote for the Peranoski Prize. Fun for the whole blog family. (And while you’re there, drop a couple of bucks in the tip jar. Kevin Hayden, the hardest working man in Blogovia, could use a little help with the bandwidth.)

Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, Joyful Kwaanza, Glad Solstice and, most importantly, may everyone have a Jubilant After-Christmas-Sale Day— the most religious American holiday of them all.

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