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Ezra’s new (Type)Pad

It appears that Ezra Klein of Pandagon has taken up residence at a new address. He and Jesse were probably getting a little old for roommates anyway. And from what I can tell, Jesse’s doing just fine carrying on on his own. Man, that youthful energy is just amazing.

When I look at these guys’ output I wonder what in the hell I did with my time when I was their age? Well, I was awfully busy. It was the 70’s sexual revolution and all that.

(Who’m I kidding? But weed was cheap…)

In my humble opinion, Ezra’s one of the best bloggers around. He’s a very smart writer, but what I really like about him is that he’s a moderate with a heart. You don’t find those around Ye Olde Blogopheyre too often. There are plenty of moderates, of course, but they tend to be technocrats and wonks. Ezra’s politics combine centrist instincts with emotional exhiliration and idealism. I find that very intriguing. Check it out.

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