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What’s The Problem?

I’m fascinated by the fact that Eason Jordan was driven from his job for making a remark about the US targeting journalists when it seems clear that many on the right think that targeting journalists is actually a good idea. Why all the self-righteous Claude Rainsing about this? If you write or say publicly that it’s a good idea to kill journalists and someone else says we ARE killing journalists I don’t see why that person is considered a traitor.

The Pink Flamingo Bar Grill thinks the US Military should at least be able to target “enemy” journalists when we invade a foreign country. They aren’t really free anyway; unlike our journalists they are part of their government’s propaganda efforts and can, therefore, be considered part of the enemy force. Can we win this war (that “we are further away from winning than we are losing”) with our hands tied behind our backs? We are, after all, “at war with possibly the worst enemy we have ever faced.” We have to ask ourselves if we are prepared to do whatever it takes.

Apparently a BBC journalist by the name of Nik Gowing contributed a chapter to a book called Dying To Tell The Story in which he says that our military has already made that decision:(pdf)

There is evidence that media activity in the midst of real-time war fighting is now regarded by commanders as having ‘military significance’ which justifies a firm military response to remove or at least neutralise it. From the media’s perspective, the core guiding principles of reporting must remain accuracy, impartiality, objectivity and balance in a time of armed conflict.Yet if some worst case fears are shown to be justified, then on the political and military side some senior officials seem to view our 24 hour/7 day-a-week presence as a real-time military threat that on some occasions justifies our removal by the application of deadly force. Despite expressions of sympathy, the fact that journalists and technicians are killed or injured appears to be of barely marginal concern.

Captain’s Quarters goes to great lengths to debunk various charges in this book. But it gets a bit thick when they charge Gowing with using intemperate rhetoric (like that above) and say that CNN is now a “faith-based organization instead of a fact-finding media outlet” because its executives are under the sway of a writer whose work doesn’t stand up under scrutiny.

I just hate when that happens, don’t you?

Thanks RP. You can have all the profits.


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