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You Like Me, You Really Like Me

Kevin Drum and Eugene Volokh wonder why actors can’t play smarter political activists. Kevin thinks they are lazy and cites the fact that they can’t be bothered to memorize and believably deliver the five or six lines they are given in an Academy Award nomination speech. I’ve often wonder why in the hell they can’t have somebody write them a decent acceptance speech and deliver it like an adult instead of a gushing 12 year old. I understand that it’s an emotional moment, but these people are supposed to professional performers. And they are being rewarded for being the best professional performers of the year for crying out loud. Halle Berry had me blindly reaching for the Pepto.

As to why they don’t seem to be able to play themselves as intelligent, thoughtful political pundits, that’s simple. They need writers and directors. Democrats, are you listening?


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