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The Greatest Show On Earth

What do you suppose would happen if the congress and the media spent as much time on say, torture, as they are on this absurd inquisition on steroids in baseball?

If Democrats think that this is good theatre for them they are nuts. The “optics” on this are not good judging from the off hand comments I’ve heard from varous people today. This is America’s pastime, not the tobacco industry. It is highly unpleasant to watch a bunch of politicians browbeat famous players and then grill baseball owners as if they are a mafia family — while we are at war, the treasury is being bankrupted and unprecedented government corruption is happening right before their eyes. Listening to them sanctimoniously lecture baseball about its ethics and practices is just mind boggling.

If they really want to tackle the issue of steroid use they should call one person — Arnold Schwarzenneger. He knows everything there is to know about the product and he would be an exceptionally good witness who would provide them all with the limelight they apparently need so badly. Publicly humiliating Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa et al, just looks gratuitous. This faux outrage wouldn’t get first place in an 8th grade talent show.

Dennis Kucinich is the only one who made any sense all day when he pointed out that this is rally about America’s “win at all cost” ethos in athletics, business and politics. But he’s the only one. Everybody else is publicly accusing people willy nilly of taking steroids without any proof and then riffing on and on about the shocking, shocking nature of this most important public health matter.

This country is in big trouble.


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