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Wish I’d Seen That

The uniqueness—one could say oddity, or implausibility—of the story of Jesus’ resurrection argues that the tradition is more likely historical than theological.

If anyone hasn’t had the opportunity to read the Newsweak story from which that quote is lifted, do yourself a favor and read it. It is onstensibly about the fascinating story of the historical Jesus and Christian history. But, in the media’s new committment to religious sensitivity it is filled with strange intellectual gyrations like that above.

As far as I’m concerned, the metaphorical beauty of the resurrection ought to be enough for anyone. But that’s just me. It’s an incredible spring day here in southern California, the flowers are bursting into bloom, everything is green and new and lovely. Whether you are a literalist Christian or a non-believer like me, anyone can appreciate the glory of rebirth.

But turning yourself into a pretzel in an alleged work of journalism to say that because a story is unbelievable it is more believable, well, that’s just silly. Faith is faith and reason is reason. You can’t just split the difference.

Happy Easter everyone. Whether religious or secular, spring has sprung and that’s something we can all celebrate.

For the secular humanists among us, check out this post by James Wolcott.


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