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Was Ken Mehlman The Maid Of Honor?

Atrios has posted a Drudge story about Arthur Finkelstein allegedly getting married in Massachusetts to his lover of forty years. The couple have two adopted children.

For those of you who don’t know the full extent of Arthur Finkelstein’s heroic self-loathing, read this article:

Finkelstein’s signature style emerges through the ads he creates. Two recent adds brand Democrats as liberals: “Call liberal Paul Wellstone. Tell him it’s wrong to spend billions more on welfare,” one ad states.

“That’s liberal,” says another. “That’s Jack Reed. That’s wrong. Call liberal Jack Reed and tell him his record on welfare is just too liberal for you.”

“That’s the Finkelstein formula: just brand somebody a liberal, use the word over and over again, engage in that kind of name-calling,” said Democratic consultant Mark Mellman.

Arthur Finkelstein, more than any other person in this country, is the one who made the word “liberal” into a dirty word.

In the end, I suppose it’s quite sweet, actually, that the rabid gay baiter Jesse Helms depended on the openly gay Finkelstein to consult on his racist and homophobic campaigns. What a big tent these mean and macho Republicans pitch when they let their hair down.

It would seem that they have no problem with gays marrying each other as long as they are willing to bash other gays who want to marry each other. Arthur’s still very much in the game. Here’s his latest little project:

Stop Her Now,” is the name of the new Web site soon to be launched by Arthur Finkelstein, the chief political guru of New York Governor George Pataki, and one of the country’s most successful yet least known political consultants/spin doctors. The “Her” at is New York Senator Hillary Clinton. According to the New York Post, Finkelstein, the longtime master of the political attack ad, hopes the site will raise as much as $10 million from Hillary-haters across the nation and provide a gathering point for conservative activists working to defeat her in next year’s Senatorial election. Hillary’s defeat would likely derail any presidential aspirations she might have.

It’s a mistake to think that Karl Rove is the evil puppetmaster of the GOP. It’s just that Rove had so little to work with that he’s considered something of a genius. There are a whole bunch of evil puppetmasters and they’ve been around for a long time. This modern GOP is Nixon’s party. They like to think they are Reagan’s party, but they are Nixon’s party. Dirty politics is their specialty. And Arthur Finkelstein is one of the Grand Vizier’s of the game.


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