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Poison Embrace

Busy, Busy, Busy has this great screenshot of an ad by the wingnut “Moving America Forward” featuring those great conservatives Oliver North, Ronald Reagan, John Bolton and … Joe Lieberman.

It occurs to me that the Democrats should start doing the same thing to John McCain. If McCain runs in ’08, it would be nice to have him saddled with being the Democrats favorite conservative. Why take the chance that he could get the nomination? Let’s taint him.

Here’s a good quote we can use:

“The politics of division and slander are not our values,” McCain said in Virginia. “They are corrupting influences on religion and politics and those who practice them in the name of religion or in the name of the Republican Party or in the name of America shame our faith, our party and our country.”

That’s a message that could play well in the general election, where independents could go for him. Best make sure he doesn’t get the nomination. Let’s run some ads with McCain alongside Barbara Boxer and Hillary Clinton. That ought to finish him off.

As an aside, I don’t know if the Republican establishment is as convinced of this as Republicans of my acquaintance, but the ones I know really think that Lieberman could win. Really. They think he’s the only guy in the party who could get Republican votes. I think they are delusional. What Lieberman lacks in charisma he more than makes up for in lack of appeal. But these people really believe that Joementum is a threat.

Of course, he will never get the nomination, as we know. But we should ensure that McCain doesn’t get it either. Democrats have to win.


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