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How Ever Will They Resolve This?

Can you believe this kabuki bullshit?

The Bush administration issued a veto threat again Tuesday against a popular highway bill, saying the president would be likely to reject any legislation that exceeds a White House-set spending ceiling or adds to the deficit.

The administration, in saying the legislation “should exhibit funding restraint,” was at odds with many in Congress, including some conservatives, who say the deteriorating state of the nation’s roads, bridges and public transport demands more aggressive spending.


The bill currently on the Senate floor, like the House bill passed in March, approves $284 billion over a six-year period for highway, mass transit and safety programs. The White House says anything above that number would subject the legislation to a veto.

It issued a second veto threat Tuesday on any new borrowing that “negatively impacts the deficit.”


The popularity of the bill was demonstrated when the Senate voted 94-6 on Tuesday to proceed with it. All six voting no were Republicans, several because they said the bill was too expensive.

But the chairman of the Environment and Public Works Committee, James Inhofe, R-Okla., said, “Those of us who are conservatives really believe this is something we should be doing here.”

Man, that codpiece is tight. Junior’s not gonna let a renegade Republican Majority pass that deficit spending crap. He’s tellin’ ’em to straighten up and fly right, damn it.

Still, with a vote of 94-6, it’s a little but unusual for a president to issue a veto threat since it could easily be over-ridden. How odd.

But hey, guys like Inhofe can at least say they voted for the highway bill which is almost as good as actually passing one. And heck, even if they end up passing one, The Big Kahuna shows that he’s a tough guy, which is almost as good as actually being one.


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