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Stem Sell

I made it very clear to the Congress that the use of federal money, taxpayers’ money to promote science which destroys life in order to save life is – I’m against that. And therefore, if the bill does that, I will veto it.”

Just in case you are confused, using taxpayers money to destroy this life in order to save lives is evil:

But using taxpayers money to destroy this life in order to save lives is good:

It looks to me as if the best way to convince Bush and his followers to support stem cell research is to propose that we only use arab embryos.

Via Suburban Guerrilla

Update: Apropos of this subject, Kevin at Catch points to this article By Sidney Schanberg from last week.

Warning: more sad (or in the words on one commenter, “tasteless”) pictures. Violent death, I agree, is quite tasteless. The death of a bundle of human cells, not so much. It’s unfortunate that one has to illustrate the difference so starkly but in America today it’s clearly necessary.


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