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Freepers on Schiavo:

“Just because the vision center of her brain was blind doesn’t mean her brain couldn’t have compensated somewhere else.”

“Considering that she died of intentionally inflicted starvation and DEHYDRATION, is it any wonder that her brain was half the size of a normal brain?”

“We have to remember that this is from the WaPo, not a credible news organization, so they might find it convenient to omit certain, necessary facts.”

Well we do know that Michael owns the County Sherriff so how hard would it be for him to buy the Medical Examiner. The only way I would have trusted the autopsy is if it was done by the FBI….”

And the wingnuts lecture left wing bloggers for being conspiracy nuts when we wonder why we invaded Iraq.

What is really interesting about this thread is that there are just as many Freepers who are calling out the nutballs as there are nutballs. This issue seriously divides the right. We should flog it mercilessly. That’s what they’d do to us if the shoe were on the other foot.

Every time a Christian right lunatic starts sanctimoniously pontificating about a “culture of life” we should talk about Terri. She is the symbol, in every way you can think of, of where this nation is headed if these radicals get what they are after.

Hat tip to BCF for the link.


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