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Sunday Freeper Fun

As his final American revival meeting continued Saturday, a fragile Billy Graham was met onstage by former President Clinton, who honored the evangelist, calling him “a man I love.”

Clinton spoke briefly before Graham’s sermon and recalled how the man known as America’s pastor had refused to preach before a segregated audience in Arkansas decades ago when that state was in a bitter fight over school desegregation.

“I was just a little boy and I’ll never forget it,” said Clinton, who was joined by his wife, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (search). “I’ve loved him ever since. God bless you, friend.”

Graham called the Clintons “wonderful friends” and “a great couple,” quipping that the former president should become an evangelist and allow “his wife to run the country.”

It seems that some people are a little miffed:

Looks like “the man known as America’s pastor ” is stumping for Beelzebub.


It won’t fool the evangelical voters. They know who and what Clinton is. They know a revival isn’t about social justice. It just shows how clueless the Clintons are to think that what you talk about in church is racism and politics. That’s what they talk about in “liberal” churches -the heck with Jesus.

Graham called the Clintons … “a great couple”

“He’s a great serial adulterer and, my gosh, what a stunning power-drooling succubus she is!”

Just providing translation…

“The evangelist is suffering from fluid on the brain”

That explains it.

With all due respect, Mr Graham, if Bill Clinton doesn’t “allow” his wife to run the country she will crash his Sunday morning sermon with a herd of Code Pink heffers and bitchslap’m upside head with a lamp.

You’re right. It really was a shameful thing to do. If Billy Graham has lost a few of his marbles, you would at least THINK that his son, Franklin, might have steered dear old dad away from hosting these reprobates on “his” stage. What an utterly dreadful message that sent. What an embarrassing way to end his evangelizing career.

He should have quit while he was ahead, because I really believe that a lot of evangelicals are going to be very upset about this.

Why in God’s name are they(Clinton’s) there! Isn’t that like Satan going to mass? Hitler going to a Jewish Deli?

These Clinton’s have no shame. Two of the most Godless creatures that walked this earth and their getting face time with a Christian hero.

It is very much my honest opinion that alot of elderly people make the stupidest comments of their lives during the last one or two years here on earth. I think Mr. Graham has joined that unfortunate club.

Remember how Killery The Killster said, right after the ’04 election results, “I’ve always been a praying person?” She got the message loud and clear about red staters…….and so now, here we see this blatantly AMORAL, non-religious couple playing the evangelist fiddle, trying to keep time with the new music to their ears!……what utter gall these two vultures have!

This is just too much! I’m prostrate with fury at how they get away with their travelling circus act!

Of course Schummer spoke

What was that antiChristian smuck doing there? I wouldnt care if he was there. We all need Christ – but between that man, Biden and Hillary – every single thing Christians stand for would be ripped apart at the seems and we would begin to see the outright oppression of Christians in this nation. We already see that oppression in the selection process which he is part of.

And then, of course, there are the deep theological discussions:

Nah … I’ve got a few skeletons of my own – things I’m not proud of.

I had the advantage of NOT coming from a dysfunctional family, nor willing to do anything for fame or fortune. Having said that, I still don’t walk on water.

I believe that all will bend their knee to Him. Of those that are in heaven there will be favorites. Not all will have the same status. God sees through us. If Bill slips in, he won’t have the stature he has on this earth. I’m sure BG will do well in heaven. He has been faithful. No scandals. No cheating on his wife. No money scandals etc.. BG has really lead a clean life and so humbly.

Honey, the fact that you admit those skeletons is positive and shows the fruit of repentance.

Not sure about the favorites deal, though. God isn’t a respecter of persons; He died for everyone’s sins and was raised for everyone’s justification. All sin is worthy of death, but because of the sacrifice of Jesus, we are all cleansed. Top to bottom. All wrongs made right.

I’m not proud of my crap either, but I know that I am forgiven.

Don’t be too sure that he doesn’t have His favorites … John was His “beloved disciple”. Enoch and Elisha did NOT experience a physical death. Notice later in Revelation where depending on things … it’s easy to see how the 12 disciples and certain folks in the Old Testament will be helping Him rule heaven.

He loves ALL but sum have served Him better than others while on this earth. They will be rewarded accordingly otherwise He would not be a just God.


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