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Lead, Follow or Have A Drink

Happy belated Birthday to Martini Republic, a vastly entertaining blog in all respects, and one that is particularly indispensible for astute commentary on LA and California politics. And that’s important because something’s happening here (what it is ain’t exactly clear.) I think I’m seeing the beginnings of a middle class revolt. It’s hard to know if it’s going to go anywhere or if its roots are deeper than Arnold dissatisfaction, but the face of rebellion in California is the face of a fresh faced, soccer mom school teacher. This is something to keep your eyes on as the debt squeeze and the generational squeeze of kids on one end and grandparents on the other begins to really take its toll on the middle class.

But for a little walk in LA sunshine, and there’s always plenty of that, check out MR’s Joseph Mailander’s tribute to our latin heritage on the occasion of our first latino mayor’s (can you believe it?) inauguration day.

Here’s looking at you, kidz.


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