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Grover’s Darkroom

I’m sure that most of you have read that the Rev. Lou Sheldon, unofficial new head of the National Park Service, made a stink that there wasn’t any footage of conservative protests in a Lincoln Memorial tourist film and successfully got the NPS to add such footage to its reel:

The video gave the impression that Lincoln would have supported abortion and homosexuality,” said the Web site of Rev. Louis Sheldon’s Traditional Values Coalition. It cited footage showing rallies at the memorial by abortion and gay rights supporters and war opponents but no similar footage from Christian and conservative interests.

“Absent from the video were any Promise Keepers marches or Marches for Jesus rallies at the capital. The video was totally skewed to present only a leftist viewpoint,” the Web site said.

What I didn’t know until I read it at The Capetbagger Report is this:

Here’s a classic example of how far conservative thinking has strayed from reality. In order to make the Lincoln Memorial’s tourist video more conservative, the NPS will add video of a 1997 rally held by the Promise Keepers and footage of a well-attended march in Washington after the 1991 Persian Gulf War. What’s wrong with these? Nothing — except they weren’t held at the Lincoln Memorial.

For whatever reason, most of the major events at the memorial, throughout the 20th century, have dealt with progressive caucus (civil rights, opposition to war, gender equality, etc.). In the interest of “balance,” the right is demanding the addition of footage from events that took place elsewhere.

Now what does this remind me of? Oh yeah.

What’s really funny is that the progressive tradition of mass protest seems to have become something the “traditional values” people want a piece of. NOW they want to be hippies. It figures. They wait until they are deep into middle age to finally get hip — 35 years too late. Next thing you know they’ll take up pot smoking and student sit-ins.


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