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Send Him To The Naughty Chair

I’m tired of these Democrats acting like they won the election. Somebody needs to stand up and say, “When you win the election, you pick the nominees. Until then, shut up! Just shut up! Just go away! Bury yourselves in your rat holes and don’t come out until you win an election. When you win an election, you can put all these socialist wackos, like Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer, all over the court, but until then, SHUT UP! You are really irritating me.”

I’m guessing Rush is under some stress these days and I don’t blame him. As much as I hate him, I am very much against prosecutors having the right to fish around in your medical records. I believe strongly in a right to privacy. Just like the socialists Ginsburg and Breyer. And unlike the Real Americans Scalia and Thomas.

I have a sneaking suspicion that Rush thinks he should have a right to privacy, too. I wonder if he wants the One And Only True Party to ask prospective nominees about their views on that subject or if he just believes that Dear Leader knows what’s best? He should probably get on the Dick-phone and say something because I don’t think the right to privacy is a big item on the GOP agenda. In fact, it’s highly likely that the new and improved wingnut supreme court is going to make it much more possible to put Rush in jail. There’s a silver lining to everything, I suppose.

I’m hearing this “shut up until you win an election” theme a lot and not just on the issue of confirming judges. Evidently, there is some belief on the right that if you gain a majority it means that you are not to be opposed. Which makes me wonder why we have a legislature at all. The last I heard all citizens have a right to representation to speak and oppose and do what they believe is in the interests of their constituents. For the more that 60 years that the Republicans were completely out of power or had to share it, they spoke up quite eloquently in opposition. I don’t recall the cries for them to “crawl back into their ratholes” until they won an election.

It’s an interesting insight into the fundamentally anti-democratic nature of the modern Republican party. Evidently a majority means that you shouldn’t even have to hear the opposition, much less take their input into consideration. It’s quite obvious that Rush is frustrated that even when he wins he doesn’t get to rule with total dominance. In fact, he seems more angry now than when The One True party was sharing power. It’s a remarkably immature and privileged worldview that says you should not only get your own way in all things but that you should get it without any effort at all.

And it’s creepy how preternaturally sure they seem that they will never lose another election. Either that or Rush is just a gasbag who has some neurotic need to articulate every half baked misfired synapse that passes through his cerebral cortex. And that’s pretty creepy, too.


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