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He Should Resign

John is absolutely right about this. It makes no difference for our purposes whether Rove is legally culpable because he did or did not know that Plame was undercover. He was a very, very, very high level official in the White House and he shouldn’t have been telling anyone anything about CIA agents for political reasons, particularly ones he knew worked in the field of weapons of mass destruction, period. He may have broken the law; the investigation will proceed apace whether we think he did or not. But regardless, the fact is that Rove conducted a smear operation in which a CIA agent was outed.

Aravosis says:

Bush said he wanted to get to the bottom of this over a year ago. Why then did we have to waste all this money on a special prosecutor and a grand jury if Rove knew from day one that he was the guy who leaked Plame’s identity? If Rove was so innocent, why didn’t he just come forward immediately and say “yeah, it was me, but I didn’t realize she was undercover”? Did he tell the president it was him? And if so, why didn’t the president go public and put this investigation to an end? Or did Rove refuse the president’s request and NOT come forward a year ago? And if so, what is he still doing working in the white House?

Perhaps it’s legally relevant if Rove “knew” Plame was undercover or not, but it’s not relevant in terms of him keeping his job. Rove intentionally outed a CIA agent working on WMD, it is irrelevant whether he did or didn’t know if she was an undercover agent. First off, he knew she wasn’t THAT public about her identity or there’d have been no need to “out” here – everyone would have known her already.

All of us and all of the Democrats should be screaming bloody murder for what we know he did — and we should be demanding his resignation.

I realize that Bush is not going to fall over weeping when we do this, and the press will probably somnambulently tip-toe until roused, but it begins the drumbeat and it puts pressure on the White House. We are about to enter a huge fight over two Seats on the Supreme Court. Anything to put them off their game is a good thing.

And there is no reason that Rove should not be forced to resign over this. If it were any other White House we would naturally assume it would happen. But I think that for some reason everyone, wingnuts and moonbats alike are invested in the idea that Rove is omnipotent. He’s not. He’s a cheap thug. And while it may be true that if he is forced to resign he will still be able to advise the president, it’s also true that the president would not have his single most necessary and loyal lieutenant by his side every day. Rove is the most malevolent force in the Republican party. He’s building a criminal Republican machine — that’s his legacy. It’s vitally important that we stop him if he can. Wringing our hands and saying nothing will ever happen because he’s Superman is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

The dirtiest most devious president in history was brought down by his own paranoia and sloppiness. Karl Rove is no more omnipotent than he was.


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