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Question On Judy

I’m just curious about something and maybe my readers can help me out. In yesterday’s NY Times article it says:

Asked whether New York Times reporter Judith Miller might have provided information about Plame to government sources, George Freeman, an assistant general counsel of The New York Times Company told Liptak: “Judy learned about Valerie Plame from a confidential source or sources whose identity she continues to protect to this day. If the suggestion is that she is covering up for her source or some fictitious source, that is preposterous.

Has Miller ever said before that the source she’s protecting told her about Valerie Plame? She didn’t write a story, she hasn’t turned over her notes and she hasn’t talked about who or what the prosecutor wants to question her about, to my knowledge.

Certainly, it seems clear that someone else must have told Fitzgerald that Miller was a party to the information, but until now I didn’t know she had admitted it or that she had so explicitly said that she was protecting someone who told her about Plame. Am I wrong?


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