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Sailed Through

There had been some talk that the Democrats had a secret plan for Karen Hughes when every one of them failed to show up for the hearings on Friday and that they would unveil it on Tuesday when the hearings reconvened. Well…

Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Tuesday unanimously approved the nomination of Karen Hughes, a former political adviser to President Bush, as the State Department’s top public relations official.

The Senate is expected to complete the confirmation process this week before leaving for its August recess.

Hughes’ main assignment as Undersecretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs is to reverse anti-American sentiment around the world.

I’m sure there would have been no political value in getting Hughes on camera admitting that she’d been called before the grand jury. Not would it have been valuable to have on-camera reporters on the cable and evening news explaining to their viewers that Patrick Fitzgerald’s probe evidently reached up to all of president’s Bush’s closest advisors, even Hughes.

It’s a good thing we don’t waste our time with such crass political tactics. Besides, Republicans might might say we are mean and nobody votes for mean. Well, unless it’s being mean to a Democrat in which case people seem to positively love it.


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