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Love Those Nurses

Poor Arnold. He’s working so hard to “get dah special intests oud of Sahcramento” that he hardly has time for anything else. He needs to have some fun.

Sticky Fingers! Arnold wants $100k To Hang Out at Rolling Stones Concert With Him

Dear Boston Rolling Stones Fans,

This Sunday Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger will join you at the Fenway Park concert. His guests, likely to include some of MA’s biggest corporations and most devoted Republican funders, will be paying $100k to hang out with the Governor. Isn’t ticket-scalping illegal? The ‘cheap seats’ will be section B4–this is where the little corporations (those only coughing up $10k of their shareholders’ money) will be seated. Turn and say hi. And know that the money raised is going to cut school funding, attack nurses and other union members, subsidize drug companies, and restrict choice/privacy rights.

Dear Mick–how about changing “My Sweet Neo-Con” to “My Sweet Schwarzen-Con?”


California’s Nurses


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