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The Other Opinion

Our interest in the event is consistent with our past support of causes related to the victims of September 11 and the veterans of wars past and present,” said Eric Grant, spokesman for The Post. “The event was never presented to The Post as a rally to support the war. We would be disappointed if it took that approach.”

The Pentagon spokewoman seems to think something different:

Mrs. Barber said organizers and police expect anti-war backlash. “It would be naive to do anything in Washington and not expect the other opinion,” she said.

Protesting the walk, she said, would be tantamount to “protesting the events of September 11 or protesting our veterans.”

Clearly, this is not expected to be a standard fourth of July, John Philip Sousa freedom-fest. Any child can see exactly what’s going on. The pentagon is very cynically using 9/11 as their 3,000-dead-civilian-humans shield to stage a war rally. The bastards.

We have a day set aside to honor Veterans. It’s called Veterans Day. The whole country gets the day off and everything. We also have a holiday set aside to commemorate the fallen in wars throughout our history. The whole country gets the day off for that too. It’s called Memorial Day. Both of those holidays are appropriate days for the Pentagon to hold events. Veterans Day is the perfect day for a march and a concert — and they’ve been holding them on that day for many, many decades. Memorial Day, of course, should be more solemn with the traditional ceremonies at the various War Memorials.

September 11th is a civilian day of mourning. If the Pentagon wants to hold a memorial service for those who died in the Pentagon that day, fine. Staging a march and a concert is in terrible bad taste. And if I’m not mistaken, there were some who were very upset at this kind of thing not long ago — and that event wasn’t paid for by the tax payers and sponsored by the media:

“What a complete, total, absolute sham,” said Vin Weber, a former U.S. representative from Minnesota. “The DFL clearly intends to exploit Wellstone’s memory totally, completely and shamelessly for political gain. To them, Wellstone’s death, apparently, was just another campaign event.”

September 11th apparently is just another opportunity to sing along with “I-raq and Roll.”

But…. for those of you who won’t be able to make it to the big event in Washington, in New York the day before you can go to another memorial rally, organized by Take Back Our Memorial — which is not sponsored by 9/11 families as it appears, but is instead the work of a confused gay right wing blogger who has a blog called Lime Shurbet. (Like all cosmopolitan, hypocritical wingnut fag hags, Michelle Malkin is a big fan.)

For those who are looking forward to attending the solemn event in New York on the 10th, lets hope that Robert will be there to provide some inspiration on that sad day. Here’s what you might expect:

I hope Cindy Sheehan brought lube to Crawford because every anti-war moonbat in this country looks to be jockeying for a chance to ride her ass.

Update: I understand from Robert Shurbet that the web site Take Back Our Memorial, while not being officially sponsored by the some 9/11 family organizations, is acting as a clearing house for various activities they support. Shurbet says these groups are sponsoring the rally so I stand corrected.


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