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The Biggest Strategic Blunder In American History

We broke it, we bought it and now we are throwing it in the trashcan

Yes, very noble.

We’re winners.

In case anyone’s wondering, aside from the hideous loss of life for no good reason, we have also spent so far 187 billion dollars to depose Saddam and turn the country into an Islamic theocracy and send it into anarchy. Excellent. Very noble. Worth every penny and every life.

The question is, has anyone told the president all this stuff because he doesn’t seem to be getting the news. Look for him to angrily deny all this and say that he’s the one making decisions and these people don’t know what they are talking about.

Maybe it’s all trial balloons, but this has a whiff of panic about it. I sense some very serious disarray within the administration. They are all over the place. I’m wondering if a palace coup isn’t taking place before our eyes.

Update: Frank Rich says “Somebody tell the president the war is over.”

Update II: And then there’s this from William Kristol:

The president knows we have to win this war. If some of his subordinates are trying to find ways to escape from it, he needs to assert control over them, overrule them, or replace them. Having corrected the silly effort by some of his advisers to say the war on terror is not fundamentally a war, he now has to deal with the more serious effort, emanating primarily from the civilian leadership in the Pentagon, to find an excuse not to pursue victory in Iraq. For if Iraq is the central front in the war on terror, we need to win there. And to win, the president needs a defense secretary who is willing to fight, and able to win.

Update III: Bush slapping down the Generals
More on military dissatisfaction from BTC News.
Dr Tom More thinks he knows who one of the unnamed senior administration sources is.

Meanwhile, it turns out that the general who was fired recently was having an affair with a female civilian, was separated from his wife and was let go because he was told to end the affair but he called her on the phone. There is something so wrong with that story.


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