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Ungrateful Ragheads

Examining the ever expanding list of victims to blame for the cock-up in Iraq, John at Blogenlust notices that Hindquarters has found the ultimate betrayors of America — and when you think about it, it makes so much sense. Did the right ever seem very comfortable throwing their lot in with a bunch of … arabs?

This morning, Hindrocket takes Frank Rich to task for saying the war is over, while completely ignoring the Washington Post article that essentially says the same thing. Then he fires the opening salvo of what will surely be the Mother of All Blame Games:

In the medium and long term, what happens in Iraq is up to the Iraqis. It is certainly possible that they might forfeit what the Bush administration and America’s armed forces have given them: a chance at freedom and the opportunity to live in peace with their neighbors. But if the Iraqis fail, it won’t be because liberals stampeded the United States into abandoning them.

Yes, let’s blame the Iraqis. How dare these ungrateful bastards reject the freedom and peace we’ve provided them?

I don’t think Highpockets thought that one through, actually. Regardless of whether the military have become a bunch of bedwetters, or whether the Iraqis are a bunch of ungrateful ragheads — no one is more responsible for the greatest strategic blunder in American history than liberals.

This just shows how rattled the right is at the moment. They’ve temporarily forgotten who the real enemy of the people is.


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