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“Kick ‘Em Out”

I hear liberals say in frustration that they’d like to leave the country or that they’d like to secede, things like that. But I never hear them say that they’d like to kick their political rivals out of the country. Perhaps it’s a fine distinction, but it’s a distinction nonetheless. Via media Matters, here’s Rush:

We just had Stephen Breyer saying, oh, yeah, totally appropriate, we must import what they’re doing around the world in other democracies, it will help buttress their attempt to establish the rule of law, and we might learn something, too. Well, here’s something I’d like to import. I’d like to import the ability that the Brits are doing to export and deport a bunch of hate-rhetoric filled mullahs and imams that are stoking anti-American sentiment. Wouldn’t it be great if anybody who speaks out against this country, to kick them out of the country? Anybody that threatens this country, kick ’em out. We’d get rid of Michael Moore, we’d get rid of half the Democratic Party if we would just import that law. That would be fabulous. The Supreme Court ought to look into this. Absolutely brilliant idea out there.

That first amendment has outlived its usefulness now that the right people are in charge anyway. (Calling the government “jack booted thugs” would be fine under certain circumstances, but not in others, I assume.)

So Rush just openly fantasizes in front of his 20 million listeners about deporting Michael Moore and half (only half?) of the Democratic Party. I’m sure all those Real Americans in their offices and cars just sat back and thought, “yeah, wouldn’t it be great is we could just get rid of all those people once and for all?”

In modern parlance I think that could be called “political cleansing.” It’s been done before — usually by communists, the modern republican’s favorite role models. Totalitarians ‘R Us.


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