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Beat Him To The Punchline

Considering his record and sophomoric tone well into his thirties, I have no doubt that John Roberts’ hilarious little quip, “Some might question whether encouraging homemakers to become lawyers contributes to the common good, but I suppose that is for the judges to decide” is a jab at women. When he is asked about it at the hearing he will say it is a standard lawyer joke — and much laughter among the senators will ensue and the media will all remark about what a fun-loving and modest fellow he is.

I would hope that a Democratic member of the judiciary committee, preferably Diane Feinstein, is smart enough to bring this up immediately and rob him of that punchline with a clever question.

“Judge Roberts, when I was in law school I remember hearing a lot of lawyer jokes. One of my classmates used to tell one about the man who goes to the doctor and finds out he has only six months to live. He says to the doctor, “that’s such a short amount of time, doc. Is there anything I can do?” The doctor replied, “marry a lawyer, it’ll be the longest six months of your life.” …

Yes, my husband thinks that one is funny too…

Now the white house says that when you wrote “some might question whether encouraging homemakers to become lawyers contributes to the common good, but I suppose that is for the judges to decide” that you were just making one of those lawyer jokes. If so, it was pretty funny. But it does raise the question of how you feel in general about women’s role in society. You are nominated to replace the first female Supreme Court justice …

We can see this one coming a mile away folks. They’ve probably got Dennis Miller on the horn coming up with a zinger. We should beat them to it.


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