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Whose Freedom Is It Anyway?

Islam will be “the main source” of Iraq’s law and parliament will observe religious principles, negotiators said on Saturday after what some called a major turn in talks on the constitution and a shift in the U.S. position.

If agreed by Monday’s parliamentary deadline, it would appear to be a major concession to Islamist leaders from the Shi’ite Muslim majority and sit uneasily with U.S. insistence on the primacy of democracy and human rights in the new Iraq.

Well, we’re not really talking about human rights now are we? We’re talking about women’s rights, which are always negotiable.

And what say you Hitchens, you useful fucking idiot? Americans just “freed” the Iraqis so they could live under Islamic law. That’s quite a goddamned achievement. You must be so proud.

How about you Condi? Are you proud of what you’ve done? You just “freed” 13 million women into second class citizenship — probably into hell. Tough luck ladies. Don’t worry, though, your granddaughters might get their rights back in their lifetimes. You can’t stop progress, you know.

And what about you, George you misbegotten cretin. Is this what you were talking about in all these windy speeches about freedom being the gift of the almighty and all that other flatulent twaddle you peddle to the silly rubes who confuse leadership with frat boy swagger? Did you free the Iraqis so they could live under Ayatollahs?

Iraqi women’s lives have already become demonstrably less free. This will codify it. And tough shit if you’re gay or secular or different in any way. Some fucking freedom.

I hope that everyone makes it their business to remind every Republican asshole they know that it wasn’t the liberals who turned Iraq into a theocracy. This is happening on their watch, under their auspices. We don’t believe in theocracy. They do. They do not believe in freedom. We do.

I am now officially an isolationsist. Not because I don’t think that Americans should spend its blood and treasure on foreigners. It’s because I don’t think the world can take much more of our “freedom and democracy.”

These are extraordinary times, historic times. We’ve seen the fall of brutal tyrants. We’re seeing the rise of democracy in the Middle East. We’re seeing women take their rightful place in societies that were once incredibly oppressive and closed. We’re seeing the power and appeal of liberty in every single culture. And we’re proud once again — this nation is proud — to advance the cause of human rights and human freedom. Junior, March 12, 2004

What a steaming pile of horseshit.


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