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The Battle Of New Orleans

This hurricane looks to be a living nightmare. I went through a bad one in the same area in 1965 — Hurricane Betsy — and these things are scary. My father was working on a NASA test site in Mississippi and had word that the storm was going to be bad so he moved us up north before it hit — ahead of everyone else. We were lucky. The town we lived in was pretty devastated.

I was just a kid, and the creepiest thing I remember about it was that when we returned to our house there were snakes all over the place. And we had a rather large boat in our front yard — that had been in the bay several blocks away.

Man, I hate to see New Orleans get hit. It’s one of the greatest cities in the world with some of the greatest people in the world. Let’s hope this thing isn’t as bad as they say it’s going to be.


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