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Channelling Scott McClellan

This. Is. Bullshit.

Judy has been released from her confidentiality agreement by her source and she is refusing to even name him publicly? Even though his own lawyer has given interviews in the press. Jesus H. Christ.

Q. Can you describe your role in this case since you didn’t file a story but did go to jail? How would you characterize your role in this whole investigation?

MILLER. I was a journalist doing my job, protecting my source until my source freed me to perform my civic duty to testify.

Q. Scooter Libby’s lawyer – and your source’s lawyer – I suspect you’re not going to tell us if that’s correct.

MILLER. I am not going to tell you if that’s correct.

Q. Your source’s lawyer has said that had you asked, you wouldn’t have had to spend any time in jail; he would have been more than willing to give you the explicit waiver you say you now accepted.

MILLER. No. Since I was not a party to those discussions, I’m going to let you refer those questions to my lawyer. I can only tell you that as soon as I received a personal assurance from the source that I was able to talk to him and talk to the source about my testimony, it was only then and as a result of the special prosecutor’s agreement to narrow the focus of the inquiry to focus on the way – on that source, that I was able to testify. I testified as soon as I could. And I will ask you to please address the questions to which I was not a party to my lawyers.

Q. But Judy, a conversation you were party to: On the steps of this courthouse, when you and Matt faced contempt of court charges, you said out here, when Matt was asked the same question, your answer was different. You said no waiver would be acceptable.

MILLER. No. I said I had not received a personal, explicit, voluntary waiver from my source – what I considered that. That was my position and I said it many times. I said it before I went to jail. I said it when I was in jail.

Q. What about the perception that you spent 85 days dancing on the head of a pin?

MILLER. I will let people draw their own conclusions. I know what my conscience would allow and I was – I stood fast to that.

Q. Beyond the narrowest of principles involved, what is this really all about? Why was your testimony so important in Mr. Fitzgerald’s . . .

MILLER. You’ll have to ask Mr. Fitzgerald why it’s important.

So this alleged reporter got a waiver handed to her on a silver platter and now refuses to tell the public what she knows? WTF???

Apparently, Judy is no longer a journalist but an official member of the Bush administration. She is using the patented McClellan non-answer “you’ll have to ask Mr Fitzgerald” and “I can’t speak to conversation to which I wasn’t a party.”

The only thing that allows Judy to pull this shit is if she’s a target herself and there is no evidence of that. Otherwise, she is abdicating her responsibility as a reporter. If Libby released her to talk to the Grand Jury she has no obligation to keep it from the public, whom she allegedly serves. Matt Cooper discussed it and wrote about it. Pincus discussed it. Only Russert hasn’t talked, but then nobody has had the balls to ask him about either. Novak has had to be restrained from spilling his lying guts. But Judy just can’t seem to say or write a word about this.

Damn. If she had been this reticent about printing every piece of bogus bullshit that Ahmad Chalabi and the Bush administration poured into her willing little gullet, a hell of a lot of people would still be alive today.

This woman is not a journalist. She is a political operative.


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