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She’ll Do As She’s Told

Remember when I said Harry Miers was a Republican machine justice?

Check out this from last night’s conference call to conservatives (via IsThatLegal):

One of the things that someone as a sixth-generation Texan that I want to add to this call and that is this: The two things that are probably … there are two virtues that are valued as highly as any virtue can be valued in the Texas culture, and those two virtues are courage and loyalty. Courage and loyalty. And this President, he knows that Harriet Miers is also a Texan, and, with a degree of understanding that would never have to be articulated, he and she both understand that if she were to get on the Court and she were to rule in ways that were contrary to the ways that the president would want her to approach her role as a justice it would be a deep personal betrayal and would be perceived as such by both by him and by her.

That’s from Richard Land of the Southern Bapist convention. There’s more. Like this one from Jay Sekulow:

I’m involved in three three cases at the Court this Term, and believe me: I want Harriet Meirs up there voting on these critical cases.

Bush vs Gore proved how crucial the Supreme Court is to the consolidation and maintenance of Republican power. It’s clear they learned their lesson well. They aren’t even trying to hide it.


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