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Bush Ratings Hit New Low, But…

for no good reason at all, 37 % of the American people still approve of Bush. Incredible how many people remain duped.

BTW, there are some folks who think Bush is a goner, that he’s been abandoned by his own party, that he’s headed for the duck pond. Not so fast, friends. Presstitutes imagines a plausible scenario by which he could quickly rebound. And as Digby himself noted below, the Miers nomination may be criticized by many on the right who were praying like crazy for Son of Bork, but it is all of a piece with the Bush strategy to maintain Republican hegemony well beyond 2008. After all, it’s best to have a rabid Republican loyalist in place when the inevitable criminal cases directed at the top of the Bush administration comes to the Supreme Court than someone whose loyalty is in doubt.

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