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Like He Cared

White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove told President Bush and others that he never engaged in an effort to disclose a CIA operative’s identity to discredit her husband’s criticism of the administration’s Iraq policy, according to people with knowledge of Rove’s account in the investigation.


They said Bush asked Rove to assure him he was not involved in an effort to divulge Plame’s identity and punish Wilson, and the longtime confidant assured him so. He answered similarly when White House press secretary Scott McClellan asked a similar question.

Sure. Uh huh. Rove’s just another White House employee and big boss Junior called him in and asked asked him for “reassurance” that he wasn’t involved and Karl said “no sir.” Yeah. That’s believable.

Either somebody thinks it’s finally time to cover the Preznit’s ass or this is the most beautiful prosecutorial mindfuck ever. Or both. Even Turdblossom has to be impressed with the threat to prosecute for lying to the president. That’s downright Shakespearean.


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