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The Day After Fitzmas

Well, it really is looking like it’s gonna happen, don’t it, boys and girls? Maybe Rove, Maybe Libby, and maybe a whole bunch of other scuzballs – it looks like they just may be feelin’ old Mr. Law’s big paw on their shoulders soon. It will be a sad day for America, a tragedy shared by all, not a time for partisan gloating. Not. It will be a totally great day. And those fuckers brought it on themselves.

Yes, things can happen, so we shouldn’t count our chickenhawks just yet. There’s nervous speculation of presidential pardons (aka, pee-pees) and and even a potential reprise, as farce, of Nixon’s Saturday Night Massacre, when Robert Bork, on Nixon’s command, fired the first Watergate prosecutor, Archibald Cox. IMO, I don’t think so, and therefore we should be prepared for the best. With that in mind, here’s the big question I’ve been mulling:

On the day after Fitzmas, what do you think a truly effective opposition party should do?

No fair trying to predict what the Democrats will do. Instead, what should they do? I’ll start the ball rolling:

They should demand a full independent investigation of the charges of encouraging and covering-up murder, torture and “extreme rendition” at the highest levels of the Bush administration.

Any other ideas? Let your imaginations soar, dear friends…

[Update: Added a link to Billmon’s post that emphasizes the point I originally made with the remark about counting chickenhawks: that whatever happens may be less than overwhelming.]

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