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Libby’s Whale

My oh my, it appears that Libby was stalking Wilson all the way up until April 2004 when the white house finally put a stop to his psychotic obsession:

Vice President Dick Cheney’s chief of staff was so angry about the public statements of former Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV, a Bush administration critic married to an undercover CIA officer, that he monitored all of Wilson’s television appearances and urged the White House to mount an aggressive public campaign against him, former aides say.

Those efforts by the chief of staff, I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, began shortly after Wilson went public with his criticisms in 2003. But they continued into last year — well after the Justice Department began an investigation in September 2003, into whether administration officials had illegally disclosed the CIA operative’s identity, say former White House aides.


Libby’s anger over Wilson’s 2003 charges has been known. But new interviews and documents obtained by The Times provide a more detailed view of the depth and duration of Libby’s interest in Wilson. They also show that the vice president’s office closely monitored news coverage.

On one occasion, the office prohibited a reporter from traveling with Cheney aboard Air Force Two, because the vice president’s daughter said Cheney was unhappy with that newspaper’s coverage.

Libby “would see something had appeared in the newspaper or on television and wanted to use the White House operation to counter it,” one former official said.

After Wilson published a book criticizing the administration in April 2004, during the closely fought presidential campaign, Libby became consumed by passages that he believed were inaccurate or unfair to Cheney, former aides said. He ordered up a meticulous catalog of Wilson’s claims and public statements going back to early 2003.

The result was a packet that included excerpts from press clips and television transcripts of Wilson’s statements that were divided into categories, such as “political ties” or “WMD.”

The compendium used boldfaced type to call attention to certain comments by Wilson, such as one in the Daily Iowan, the University of Iowa student newspaper, in which Wilson was quoted as calling Cheney “a lying son of a bitch.” It also highlighted Wilson’s answers to questions from television journalists about his work with Sen. John F. Kerry, the Democratic presidential nominee.

Yes, it’s now entirely believable to me that Libby just “heard” something in casual conversation with a reporter and had no idea that Valerie Plame was a covert agent. His friend Mary Matalin doesn’t help when she characterizes him like this:

“Scooter is the most methodical, detail-oriented and comprehensive worker of anybody I’ve ever worked with in my life,” said Mary Matalin, a former Cheney advisor who worked as a consultant on the 2004 campaign.

“He leaves no stone unturned, and it doesn’t matter what the topic is,” she said. “That’s the nature of Scooter, and that’s why he’s such a superior intellect and why Cheney and the president and everybody over there respects him.”

It seems to me that someone like that would find out specifically what Wilson’s wife did at the CIA.

The White House has obviously decided that Scooter is a goner so they are planting the idea that Wilson was his white whale. But that doesn’t leave our friend Karl off the hook. Libby may have had a special hatred for Wilson but Karl had a special reason for wanting him destroyed. An earlier LA Times article had this:

Prosecutors investigating whether administration officials illegally leaked the identity of Wilson’s wife, a CIA officer who had worked undercover, have been told that Bush’s top political strategist, Karl Rove, and Cheney’s chief of staff, I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, were especially intent on undercutting Wilson’s credibility, according to people familiar with the inquiry.

Although lower-level White House staffers typically handle most contacts with the media, Rove and Libby began personally communicating with reporters about Wilson, prosecutors were told.

A source directly familiar with information provided to prosecutors said Rove’s interest was so strong that it prompted questions in the White House. When asked at one point why he was pursuing the diplomat so aggressively, Rove reportedly responded: “He’s a Democrat.”

This is that everyday political hardball the beltway chatterers like Andrea Mitchell and William Kristol are all worried will be “criminalized.” Back in Nixon’s day, the media, at least, were incensed to find out that he was using the taxpayers resources to pursue his political enemies. Now it’s business as usual, the poltical press content to be nothing more than the Republican party’s bitches, begging for juicy scraps from Karl and Scooter’s table.


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