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Flirting With Moneypenny

People seem to be wondering why Fitz had FBI agents out asking the Wilsons’ neighbors if they knew she was an undercover agent. Why would he do this so late in the game?

I suspect it came from a grand juror’s question. In presenting the case for violation of the identities protection act, one of them may have wondered how, dispute the CIA’s clear assertion that she was undercover, she could live an every day life while keeping her job a secret. There seems to be a perception, born of Hollywood, that undercover agents are all glamorous, cloak and dagger figures who are very different from ordinary people. Perhaps the earlier interviews with her neighbors were a bit vague about that and so Fitz had them re-interview them with the specific intent to show she led a very normal life but told no one that she worked with the CIA.

As to the fact that she went to Langley every day to work, even if you see the spook world only through the prism of Hollywood, you can’t help but notice that even James Bond shows up at headquarters between assignments to have a face to face with M. He wouldn’t even know Miss Moneypenny otherwise.


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