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Rove Roll

Jeralyn at Talk Left has been right over and over again on Plamegate. This makes sense, since she is a criminal defense lawyer and knows how to read between the lines of these things.

She has been convinced for some time that Karl Rove cut a deal. She still thinks so:

As I noted earlier, the news reports on Rove are conflicting. But this statement by one “non-legal” member of his team, who I assume is the P.R. specialist Mark Carballo who signed on to Rove’s team the other day, leads me to believe Rove took a deal and Fitzgerald has agreed not to announce it immediately

It would be prefectly in keeping with Rove’s PR style to have portrayed himself these last few days as fighting the charges with everything he’s got while he’s actually rolling on Libby.

Everything Rove does from now on must be seen through the prism of spin.


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