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Ken, We Hardly Knew Ye. But That Was Enough.

Tomlinson resigns from the CPB board. Remember? He’s the guy who hired someone to watch Bill Moyers and report on all the heinous liberalism going on. Among those dastardly, “anti-administration” liberals were Senator Chuck Hagel (R-Nebraska), and ex-congressman Bob Barr (R-Hypocrite). Unfortunately, Tomlinson remains head of the Broadcasting Board of Governors. So it’s too early to breathe a sigh of relief, but it is a step in the right… excuse me, proper direction.

Update: Kevin K. in comments reminds us that there’s many more where Tomlinson came from still on the board, and that There’s some majorly awful programming coming up. If I didn’t know better, I’d think Bush was deliberately trying to destroy PBS. But he wouldn’t do that, would he?

Interestingly, in the midst of all of the attention to the CPB’s fight against liberal bias, the agency quietly announced a round of grantees for its “America at a Crossroads” project (6/27/05). Among the projects receiving CPB support are The Case for War, a film about neoconservative Richard Perle made by Perle’s longtime friend Brian Lapping; The Sound of the Guns, a film about former CIA director William Colby made by Colby’s son; Soldiers of the Future, which “will tell the story of Donald Rumsfeld’s recent efforts to transform America’s military”; Warriors, in which American Enterprise editor Karl Zinsmeister argues that the U.S. military “attracts a cross-section of citizens motivated by idealism and patriotism”; and Studying Hatred, a film by David Horowitz co-author Peter Collier.

And in Spring, 2006, be sure to watch the much anticipated documentary, “Big ‘Behind’: A Profile of Tim LaHaye.”

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