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by digby

I urge everyone who can to tune into Hardball today. John Murtha is one of Tweety’s favorite manly pin-ups. He’ll be slavering all over the fact that Murtha has called for immediate withdrawal. (Count how many times he says “stand-up guy.”)

In all seriousness, this may be a turning point. Murtha has said the unthinkable: “It is evident that continued military action is not in the best interests of the United States of America, the Iraqi people or the Persian Gulf Region.” Yep. We’ve made a mess alright. But our continued presence is making things worse — for everybody.

And the Republicans are predictably lashing out wildly with shrill accusations of “surrender.” They are getting very nervous. This isn’t 2002 and the codpiece isn’t riding an 80% approval rating. The GOP still haven’t yet absorbed the fact that his manufactured popularity was always a mile wide and an eighth of an inch thick.

Their patented jingo schtick is suddenly as starkly out of fashion as The Macarena. Woodwardian Bushism is revealed to be nothing more than a fad that people are now vaguely embarrassed to have embraced in public.

What a shame about all the death and destruction. Thanks Bob.

Update: Uh oh. That hot manly flyboy, JJ McCain, is on. Tweety is squirmy — McCain is defending the administration on Iraq. It’s so hard to love a man when he’s full of shit.


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