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Chicken Or The Egg

by digby

From FAIR:

During an interview with conservative MSNBC host Tucker Carlson, Wright responded to Carlson’s question about offering a left-leaning channel by saying that progressives “don’t listen to a lot of radio and they don’t watch a lot of television” (Broadcasting & Cable, 11/13/05).

I don’t know where he gets his information, but I suspect he’s relying on some absurd stereotype. It’s also likely that his impression that “the left” isn’t relevant comes from the statistics that only 20% of the country identifies as liberal while everyone else is a moderate or a conservative. This is not true. That is branding, something a Network TV guy should know all about.

The Republicans have spent decades branding the word liberal (and now progressive) as bad and the word conservative as good. “Moderate” has become a default self-designation in situations where you don’t want to carry the baggage of the GOP’s demonization of the words liberal or progressive in public. (I’ve done it myself.) It is useless to use those words to designate anything of substance and I wish that people would even stop trying. Many people who think of themselves as moderate aren’t and many people who think of themselves as liberal, progressive or conservative are actually moderates. These are value laden terms that have little actual function anymore. They mean too many different things. The only useful designations at this point are from voting patterns and party ID — Democrat, Republican and Independent.

Considering the political divide as it really is, Bob Wright, the president of NBC News is saying that the 50% of the public who vote for the Democrats don’t watch television or listen to the radio. That’s ridiculous. The only logical explanation as to why “the left” doesn’t watch his news programs is because they are dominated by screaming Republican shills.

I’m such a ridiculous political junkie, I even watch FOXNews. But if I didn’t write this blog I wouldn’t bother. I don’t blame any Democratic voter for not tuning in — it’s like watching people from another planet most of the time.

This is why I’d like to call your attention to this diary over at Daily Kos by JustWinBaby that points out that Keith Olbermann’s show is now the highest rated show on MSNBC. If you don’t watch it already, give it a try. He’s found the sweet spot between The Daily Show’s fake news and the absurdity of the Real News. He tells the stories that need to be told — and he understands the difference between humor and Rovian character assassination.

If Robert Wright is in the business of making money instead of kissing the GOP establishment’s ass on behalf of GE, perhaps he will reevaluate his belief that “liberals don’t watch TV” and see that there is a rather large cadre among the 50 million Democratic voters who are dying to see their politics well represented — and the real stories of what’s happening in our political system — on television. Up until now all we’ve had is a choice of GOP fiction to choose from. Might as well watch the good looking actors instead of the ugly ones.


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