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Keep Up Your Campaigning Chops

One of my readers sent this in and I thought I’d pass it along so that anyone so inclined could do a little phone banking for a good Democrat here in California.

I’m looking for people who can use their free cellphone minutes for
an hour this weekend to help elect a Democrat to Congress from my
district. We’re making phone calls to remind people to vote in the
special election this coming Tuesday, December 6. You can do the
whole thing from your home, using a cellphone and an Internet
connection. Here’s what you do.

Write to and say that you want to do “virtual
phonebanking for Steve Young.” You’ll be sent a user ID, password,
and a URL. Go to that URL and log in, and you’ll see two scripts (one
for live people and one for messages) and a list of 50 Democrats to

It takes very little time since some of the numbers are disconnected
and others are just voicemail. It’s unlikely you’ll get more than 1
or 2 live people.

The main points to get across are:

1) There’s a special election this coming Tuesday and your vote is
2) There’s a terrific Democrat in the race and he can win if you
3) There are over 100,000 Democrats in our district and if just half
of them vote we can send a Democrat to Congress.
4) Please send Bush a message — vote on Tuesday for Steve Young.

Check out his web-site, here. He’s a good guy.


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