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Vote For The Good Guys

by digby

I’m not sure what to make of this, but this blog seems to be nominated for a Weblog Award for “the best of the top 250 blogs” (I’m losing badly to that upstart whippersnapper, Jane Hamsher.) I had thought these were conservative awards, but apparently not. Anyway, there are a bunch of really good liberal bloggers nominated in various categories and you can vote once a day (!!?)

Check it out.


If you really love me, you’ll want to stuff your little stocking with some postage stamps or ornaments and shirts with a Digby snowman on them. I’m not kidding. Apparently you can now design your own stamps and Bo Zartz has done up a “holiday blog homage” featuring various liberal bloggers. (And naturally Jane Hamsher gets to be the angel.)They’re all fun, but I particularly like the one that says “Merry Fitzmas” which is guaranteed to piss off Bill O’Reilly six ways to Kwaanza.


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