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by digby

In the latest installment of the “Democrats are in Disarray” show, Fred Barnes just did a reverse triple axel that would make Michelle Kwan weep. After going on and on about how the Democrats are all over the map, they don’t know what they are doing, they are rudderless and lacking in ideas, he said that Nancy Pelosi has got the democrats voting in “lock-step” which is empowering the (apparently useless) GOP moderates. (Then he pouted and stomped his tiny foot in frustration.)

I assume that everyone can see the problem with Barnes’ statement, even if he is so unaware of his own illogic that he makes both of these statements in the same breath.

The best moment today, however, was watching these rich, privileged, middle aged fucks sit around chuckling at the prospect of Stanley Williams asking for clemency. I don’t know what it is these Republican assholes find so amusing about executions but they can’t seem to contain their mirth when someone suggests the possibility of redemption.

These are the same people complaining about a war on Christianity.


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