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Passion Of The Cowboys

by digby

Will “Brokeback Mountain” play in Plano? In the movie’s first weekend in the Dallas suburb where the 2004 Mel Gibson film “The Passion of the Christ” earned some of its biggest grosses, the answer appeared to be yes.

After setting a record for the per-theater average for a dramatic movie in limited openings in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco, critically acclaimed “Brokeback Mountain” faced its next obstacle as Focus Features expanded the so-called gay cowboy movie to strategically selected smaller cities.

The movie, directed by Ang Lee and starring Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal as two ranch hands who develop an enduring emotional bond, “Brokeback Mountain” took in an additional $2.36 million in its first foray outside those three metropolitan cities, rising to No. 8 at the box office, Focus Features estimated Sunday. Its 10-day total is $3.3 million.

The closely watched debut in Plano, Texas, “was a revelation about the accessibility of this movie,” said Focus head of distribution Jack Foley. “This is not gay-dependent. Attendance at those theaters indicates the film has the attention of suburban moviegoers.”

It was the first time since Disney’s animated “Pocahontas” in 1995 that a movie in fewer than 100 theaters cracked the top 10 box office ranking, according to tracking service Nielsen EDI Inc.

Real America watches “Desperate Housewives” and drinks Starbucks and votes Democratic some too. Keep your eye on what people actually do, not what they tell some pollster they think. Popular culture is an excellent window through which you can view how people actually think and live. Right wing evangelical Christians are not a monolith, even in the red states. It’s a mistake to assume they are.


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