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Protect Us

by digby

For a connect-the-Bush-atrocities, with heavy linkage, check out this post at HuffPo by Joshua Bearman. It makes a nice Christmas e-mail for your Republican relatives:

It would be one thing if we were safer. But our modern day Sun King cloaks his seizure of power in so much poll-tested national security language despite that he is not, in fact, protecting us at all. The residents of the three cities Bush cited voted overwhelmingly against him because they rightly sensed that Bush’s reckless foreign adventures and lack of a real domestic security policy MAKES US ALL LESS SAFE. It doesn’t take much critical analysis to figure out why. Here is a guy who, after September 11, failed to increase funding for nuclear non-proliferation, which the non-partisan commission the President himself appointed called the single greatest threat to our safety. Collecting the world’s loose nukes was the first thing on my mind on September 12th, 2001, so I’m a little confused as why it’s taken the President four years to catch on.

Then there’s Iraq, where Bush has decided to throw away $200+ billion — money that could have paid for an entire wish list of domestic security programs. Right now, our own military, fueled by Bush’s swaggering cowboy routine has become the most effective recruiting tool for anti-American sentiment and insurgents in Iraq. If you find that to be a subjective assessment, here’s a joint study by the Israeli and Saudis (!) that quantifies the Iraq Effect. And who doesn’t recall Rumsfeld accidentally wondering aloud if the insurgents weren’t replacing their numbers faster than our troops could ever kill them?

“To protect us”?

Is that why the 9/11 Commission’s report card earlier this month had a single “A” out of 41 categories, while the bottom was filled out with 12 “D”s and 5 “F”s? The President got a “D” on Securing WMD’s, the supposed reason we’re stirring up the hornets’ nest in Iraq. Commission member and former republican governor of Illinois James Thompson said it straight: “Are we crazy? Why aren’t our tax dollars being spent to protect our lives?”


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