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Cui malo?

by digby

Krauthamer just said that he needs to see a case of abuse before he is convinced that the leakers in the illegal NSA spying case are whistle blowers. That’s interesting. It shouldn’t be required to show harm in a criminal case like this, but perhaps on a public relations level this is really what needs to happen.

I believe there is only a one percent chance that this extra-constitutional power grab did not result in abuse. The FISA court and the justice department both pulled in the reins in 2004 for a reason. The president kept this program secret long past the time he could have developed some reasonable legislation to accomplish what he needed to accomplish. There is something very wrong with this program or they wouldn’t have handled it the way they did.

Considering the history, “trust us we’re only monitoring the bad guys” doesn’t pass the smell test. We need real hearings and if we get them Krauthamer may very well get the examples of abuse that he needs.


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