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The Talking Dog, who is a bit of a lawyer himself, professionally, has been interviewing the lawyers for a number of the defendants who have been caught up in the current administration’s no-constitutional-rights-for-citizens-we-say-are-terrorists (only we don’t have to prove it) legal policy.

Today, he posted an interview with Mr. Padilla’s lawyer.

As you may or may not know, the current administration is attempting to transfer Mr. Padilla’s case from the military courts to the criminal courts in an attempt (unsuccessful, so far) to keep the Supreme Court from deciding on the constitutionality of their denial of constitutional protections to Mr. Padilla, on the basis of their argument that the executive branch has the right to ignore the constitution.

That right, presumably, emanating from the penumbra of something or other. Love me some original intenters.

Anyway, read. It’s fascinating stuff.

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