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Trent’s Slot Safe

by digby

Incumbent Senator Trent Lott called a press conference to announce whether he’s running again. He’d hinted that he might not, so the suspense was palpable. A Democrat, after all, was favored to win if Lott didn’t run. Would he or wouldn’t he? What was going to happen? Oooh, it’s the kind of thing that sends chills down your spine. After about ten minutes of stirring oratory celebrating all the fine people he’s worked with over the years, he soulfully looks into the camera, nods his head to his staff and then announces … he’s running again.

And now Ed Henry talking about how this sets the stage for him to make a great comeback and win back the majority leader job! Is Trent awesome or what?

None of the CNN anchors even have the decency to look sheepish about being played for morons. But then, why would they?


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