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What’s Wrong With This Picture?

by digby

Speaking of CNN, I don’t know what to make of this, but it’s interesting. I mentioned yesterday that Bill Schneider said this on the Situation Room yesterday. It was quite soon after gore’s speech so I figured he would get an earful from the powers that be and we’d hear the last of it. But today he pretty much repeated it verbatim. To my ears, it sounds non-judgmental veering on positive. Schneider isn’t usually a very reliable observer, but this strikes me as pretty fair and pretty provocative toward the Bushies. Am I wrong?

WILLIAM SCHNEIDER, SENIOR POLITICAL ANALYST: Wolf, Democrats heard a voice from the past today, but it’s a voice that may be charting a course for the party’s future.


(voice over): Who speaks for Democrats these days? Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are minority leaders. Howard Dean’s job is to represent the broad range of Democratic views. Hillary Clinton, John Kerry and John Edwards may run for president, and they are pretty cautious. So is Bill Clinton who is invested in his wife’s political future. Enter Al Gore, giving full throated voice to the outrage that many Democrats feel over the administration’s wiretapping of American citizens.

GORE: … What many believe are serious violations of law by the president.

SCHNEIDER: Violations of law? Exactly.

GORE: … Into these serious allegations of criminal behavior on the part of the president.

SCHNEIDER: That may be grounds for impeachment. Gore never used the I word, but he did call for …

GORE: …The appointment of the special counsel to pursue the criminal issues raised by the warrantless wiretapping of Americans by the president.

SCHNEIDER: A special counsel would have to be appointed by the attorney general, who works for President Bush, and how realistic is it to think about impeachment when Congress is controlled by Republicans? Gore’s answer?

GORE: It should be a political issue in any race, regardless of party, section of the country, house of Congress, for anyone who opposes the appointment of a special counsel.

SCHNEIDER: Gore is telling Democrats, let’s make this our issue.

Just the fact that Schneider brings up Impeachment, which Gore did not, seems to me like a good thing. I must be missing something.


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