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by digby

John Kerry is calling for a filibuster of Alito. Flood your Senators’ offices with phone calls now.

Here are the phone numbers.

Might I make a special appeal for Califronia voters to make a forceful appeal to our Senator Dianne Feinstein. She is supposed to be a voice for women in the Senate and right now she is a voice for lukewarm water. Let her know that her constituents demand that she represent the people of California’s support for a women’s right to choose and a judiciary of fairminded jurists, not Federalist Society fascists.

(202) 224-3841—Washington
(415) 393-0707—San Francisco
(310) 914-7300—L.A.
(619) 231-9712—San Diego
(559) 485-7430—Fresno


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